My handsome hubby! He has really been working hard, helping me out, and doing so much to around the house since he came back. He even made me dinner tonight and then brought me ice cream in bed. Yeah, he's awesome! =)
Tyler-bug is doing great. He is at that stage where he is just a complete handful from the minute his eyes open till the minute we duct tape them shut at night (kidding!!!!). But he is so fun and so full of personality. There isn't much he can't or won't say. He talks very clearly, when he wants to and amazes me everyday with the new things he has learned. He is all boy and I love it!

Little Jackson-bear is just so sweet. I love that precious baby more than words can say. Look at those sweet baby blue eyes. Don't you just want to eat him up?? He recently got a new big boy carseat, because at the ripe old age of 4 months he had officially outgrown his other one. He is growing so fast; I just wish it would slow down a little so I could savor his babiness (<--New Word) for a little bit longer.

Little Jackson-bear is just so sweet. I love that precious baby more than words can say. Look at those sweet baby blue eyes. Don't you just want to eat him up?? He recently got a new big boy carseat, because at the ripe old age of 4 months he had officially outgrown his other one. He is growing so fast; I just wish it would slow down a little so I could savor his babiness (<--New Word) for a little bit longer.
11 Thoughts from friends:
LOve the new pics! That is so sweet that he made dinner and brought dessert plus took care of the boys while you got your hair done. It looks great!
Cute cut, adorable boys, wonderful husband -- what could be better? :o)'ve got it going on!!!
Tell him I said to knock it off. He's giving the rest of us lazy hubbies a bad name. :) Glad all is going so well for you guys! We miss you!
What a very special family you have. Love the new hair-do!
i absolutely looovvveee the new cut! it looks so good on you!
wow Jackson is growing so fast! and my sweet little tyler! i need to run away soon so maybe I can high tail it to Missouri... you think???
i miss you!!!!!!
oh btw, we went to church today at Union Chapel Missionary Baptist and we really liked it there, we may go back
Hello! Thanks for stopping in on my blog. It is nice to meet you and your beautiful family. I love the picture of your youngest in the carseat. He looks adorable.
What church do you attend in MO? I ask b/c we have several friends in a few different churches that are in military areas. You may go to church with them.
I love your hair--and all the pictures of your beautiful family. You are very blessed! :)
I love your new looks really cute on you.
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