Thursday, July 02, 2009

It's July Already?

Wow! Summer seems to be flying by at warp speed here in my neck of the woods. I cannot believe it is July already. I love summer! It's my favorite season, so that's probably why it seems to be going by so quickly.

Our summer seems to be extra busy this year. I'm not sure what it is, but we just seem to have no free time at all anymore. I told Keith last night on the way to church that the reason I loved going to church so much was because it was the only time I get to see him. (Real spiritual, I know. And I was just kidding.) But we really don't seem to have much time for anything right now. Hubby has been working 12 hour shifts for what seems like forever, and when you add in getting ready, travel time, and PT to that it makes it more like 16 hours. That doesn't leave much time for family or anything else. The little time we do have is spent doing other things that need to get done.

Here on the homefront I have been busy cleaning, organizing, decluttering, and simplifying. I had a yard sale with a few other ladies from church 2 weekends ago. I decided last minute (Thursday) that I was going to do it, and it was pretty successful. What items didn't sell were either donated or the bigger items I listed on Craigslist. I love a clean, organized house but the chaos that comes along with getting it that way drives me nutty. I don't know where all of our "stuff" comes from-I think it multiplies in the dark. =)

We have a cat now--a foster cat. We are watching her through a friend's deployment. She will be here for 8 months. I cannot believe we have a cat. But she is really low maintenance and pretty affectionate, so I'm sure she'll be fine. The boys love her, and she toletrates them.

We are trying to plan a real family vacation this year, Lord willing. In 7 years of marriage we have never once been on vacation together. Any time we go anywhere, we go home to visit family. We love visiting family and I am really homesick to see them now, but we need some time to relax, reconnect, and truly vacation together. I have found that deciding where to go is way more complicated than I thought it would be. It's not easy to find somewhere that would be good for the whole family, especially with small kids. We thought about Disney for about 30 seconds. I would love it, so would Keith and Tyler. But poor little Jackson would probably be misserable. I think we have decided on Savannah, GA. We will be looking more into that and hopefully making plans soon. =)

Well, there really is more I'd like to say. There are some things that I'd just like to spill my guts about, so to speak. But for now it is best to guard my tongue and my heart. God is great! Life is good! Sometimes circumstances stink. =)

I hope you all have a great 4th of July! Be safe.

3 Thoughts from friends:

jesnicole said...

Girl, I hear you....this year has zipped by. I still can't believe how quickly time passes. We're in the same boat on the vacation thing. We've never really gone anywhere far away, always to see family. (Which is good, but I'd love to go somewhere new!) We are tinkering with Disneyland maybe this fall or next summer. Not sure. Hope you guys figure something out!! :)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

I can't believe that half a year is gone and before you know it - CHRISTmas. Yikes!

Woohoo on the real vacation! :D

Do you normally not like cats?

Shannon Bolden said...

Trying to clean and organize a little myself. I seem to make more messes. We enjoyed Pensacola the year we played baseball there. It may be closer to you. Are you driving or flying? Oh, and for having time. . . that gets worse as the boys get older.

Tim and Paul are in Texas for baseball. Me & timothy are home. He plays in chattanooga this weekend. And then there are the nine puppies to care for.

Hope you have a great vacation.

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