Friday, January 25, 2008

I love coupons!!!!!

I'm pretty new to using coupons, so you'll have to forgive me for being excited enough about those tiny little slips of paper to actually devoted a whole blog post to them. But, I am! I used to never clip coupons. Ever. Seemed like a waste of time to me. And back then when we were a two income family and had more money that brains, I never cared how much I could be saving if I did use coupons. But now that we are happily a one income family, I love how using coupons stretches our budget even further. And I also love knowing that the money we are saving can be put away into our savings, saved for a vacation, put into an emergency fund, or anything else worthwhile. It makes me sad when I think about how much money I used to spend needlessly because I didn't use them.

You would be amazed at the things that you can get for free or very inexpensively using coupons and a little planning. There are tons of websites out there that basically track coupons and sales for you and tell you exactly how to get the best deals. One of the best sites I have found by far is Money Saving Mom. It has been such a valuable tool as I am learning how to be a better steward of what God has given us.

Tonight my sweet hubby took me out to my favorite restaurant and then to Walgreens because he knew I was feeling kind of yucky and thought getting out of the house would make me feel better. He was right, too. What a guy! I had some coupons for makeup and Walgreens was having a sale, so I ended up getting: a blush, a lipstick, 2 foundations, and 2 pencils for a total of 17 cents. I had to throw the 2 pencils in because I actually had a negative balance after the coupons.

Also in the past few months I have gotten about 5 things of free shampoo, a $12 razor for hubby for about 50 cents, tons of free candy after Christmas, free candles, free jewelry, and tons of other stuff.

I plan on writing more about our budget and financial goals for 2008 very soon. Why? Not because I think all of you are terribly interested. Who knows, maybe you are. Mostly because I'm so happy that we have finally made a plan (a huge step) and are taking huge steps towards making our long-term goals happen.

So, tell me. How many of you out there are coupon clippers? What is the best deal you've ever gotten? If you don't use them, why not? Would you consider using them if you knew they would save you a certain amount each month? Just curious.

I went back to Walgreens today because I had more coupons and got some more stuff for free using sales and coupons. The picture below is what I have gotten over the past two days. Grand total=-$24, that is I made $24 by buying it. If anyone is interested in exactly how I did this, leave me a comment and I would be glad to share with you.

I also just wanted to quickly mention that I hope no one considers this bragging. I certainly do not mean it that way at all. There is nothing special about me or what I am doing. This is something that anybody can do using a Sunday paper providing you have a store nearby. I am just very excited about learning how to get the things that my family needs for free or cheap and sometimes making money in the process. I know it is certainly a tremendous blessing to our family and I want to share that blessing with anybody who is interested.

5 Thoughts from friends:

Anonymous said...

ok, i have never been one for coupons. when the boys were in diapers, i used the diaper coupons. it seems like it takes longer to get my groceries, etc with coupons because i have to take the time to find the exact item. i usually shop for the week (or at least 3 days) when i go to the store. i do shop with a list. the food city sends coupons out occasionally, but it seems like when i try to use them, they are out of the item. then i get frustrated. i have been shopping kroger lately. they have the 10/$10 sale a lot. i do use the school coupons that knox county sales. we have used many of those, especially if we go out to dinner. i am looking for more ways to save this year. i want to be free of debt and be able to save more, retirement age is getting closer!!! i guess i will give the coupons a try. so. . . when you find interesting or exciting savings let me know.

Unknown said...

Hey you'll have to fill me in on these ECB's and such....

If you get bored don't forget u can always call me ....


Pam--in America said...

I don't consider it bragging....I think it's great!! I can't use coupons here; but you're making me want to get back to the States so I can start saving all that money!

Kimberly said...

Like the orange better. :) off tomorrow if you want to call...after 10am ;) Love ya!!

Christian Mommy said...

Hehe - you crack me up!!!! I LOVE coupons.... I always feel so accomplished when I save upwards of $20 at the commisarry, but making money? You will have to share!! I will be stateside soon!!!! YAY!!!! Your son is so darn cute - I always imagine what terror Sarah would cause with him in the nursery..... she is a handful!! Keep posting - I'm reading, late at night, but reading!! Have a blessed day!!

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