Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Please Pray

Hello all. I just received this email from a dear friend in Tennessee.

hey, so dad was working in upstate NewYork and he fell off of a truck today
and got hurt.Thomas took him to the hospital b/c he couldn't walk and was in
lot of pain... Well, he broke his hip in 3 places and they did surgery...
well mom is trying her hardest to get there but is having a hard time doing
it... I took her to Nashville to get a flight (Knoxville no help at all!!!)
she is now stuck in Charlotte on a delay and she is just totally a
wreck!! thankfully Tenika is with her but i feel so bad that i
cannot be with
her right now... but after they get there and are able to get
dad released in a
few days the hard part is going to be getting him home
safely and easily... i
honestly do not know how it is going to happen
because with a broke hip and just
having surgery that is going to be majorly
tough!! please keep them both in your

Please, if you could, remember this family in prayer.

3 Thoughts from friends:

Unknown said...

I will definitely pray Liz....That can not be easy for anyone. Thanks for your prayers and we will probably try to get her as our dependent once back in the states. Thanks!

Borbe Bunch said...

Hi, my name is Liz too :) Just wanted to say I dropped by and that I will be in prayer for this dear family...
Blessings to you Liz!
Liz :)

Anonymous said...

HEy lady, just wanted to give you an update... they are releasing him to come home on friday! everything is working out wonderfully and i am amazingly thankful and honeslty i don't think that i really and truly knew what the power of prayer could do! Now if we can all just keep them there till they make it home safely!! Love, me!

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